Saturday, April 29, 2017

042717 - Saturday


1st - 10 burpees + bike in remaining time
2nd- 10 thrusters + bike 75#
3rd - 10 t2b + bike
4th - 10 DB push press + bike
5th - 10 Snatch 75# + bike
*The bike should be at an easy pace

Friday, April 28, 2017

042817 - Friday

A. Front Squat tempo 30X1 4x8 @ 75% rest 2min

B1. DB Bench Press tempo 3030 3x8 rest 1min
B2. Ring Puch Up tempo 4030 3x8 rest 2min

5 Rounds NFT
45sec Hollow Hold
12 Band Good Mornings tempo 4242
10 GH Hip Extension tempo 3030

10min AMRAP @80% Effort
25 Cal Row
100' Farmers Carry 70/53
15 KB Z-Press tempo 30X1 53/35
Rest 5min

Tempo Explained:

Back Squat 30X2

3 - Eccentric (movement towards the ground)
0 - Static Position (Bottom)
X - Exploded Up/Concentric
2 - Static Position (Top)

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

042717 - Thursday REST DAY

Rest days are even more important than training days. Make sure to move. Don't just sit on the couch. 

Go to a yoga class
Take a walk outside for 30-45min - Walk your dog if you have a dog
Roll Out and Stretch 

Enjoy the day off! 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

042617 - Wednesday

A. P.Snatch - 4x1.1.1.1

B. Back Squat - 4x8 tempo 42X2 @ 75%

C1. 15sec Chin Over Bar Hold x 4, rest1min *add weight if needed
C2. Close Grip Bench Press 4x10 tempo 30X1, rest 1min
C3. 15sec Bent Arm Bar Hang at 90 degrees x 4, rest 1min
C4. Ring Push Ups 4 x 15reps tempo 30X1, rest 2min

This training cycle is building on a cycle next month and then building on more the month after that. I know this stuff isn't "sexy". Trust the process and you will see huge gainz! 

Post results in comments section

042517 - Tuesday

A. P.Clean - 4x1.1.1.1 @75%
B. S.Clean - 2x1.1.1 at same weight as A.

C. KB RFE Split Squat - Tempo 30X1, 4x10 rest 2min

12min AMRAP
45sec KB Front Rack Hold 70/53/hand
15 KB Front Squat tempo 32X1 53/35
20 GH Sit Ups

042517 - Monday

A. Clean Grip Dead lift - tempo 4031 8reps x 4sets rest 1min

TUT: 256sec/4:15

B1. KB Z-Press tempo 3031 8reps x 4 sets rest 1min
B2. Barbell row tempo 4021 8 reps x 4 sets rest 1min

TUT: 224/3:45
TUT: 224/3:45
Rest: 12min

15min AMRAP @ 75% Effort
10 HR Push Ups Tempo 30X1
12 Ring Rows Tempo 30X1
100' Single Arm Farmers Carry 70/53

042417 - Template and About

Monday - Bending + Vertical Push + Horizontal Pull + P/P/C AMRAP
Tuesday - P.Clean + Single Leg Squat + 12min C/S/Core AMRAP
Wednesday - P.Snatch + Back Squat + Vert Pull + Hor Push
Thursday - Off
Friday - Front Squat + Hor Push + Core + Posterior Chain
Saturday - Hor Pull + Aerobic Base Training
Sunday - Off

Pushing - 3/week
Pulling - 3/week
Squatting - 3/week
Bending - 1/week
Aerobic - 1/week
Clean - 1/week
Snatch - 1/week
Core - 2/week
Carry - 1/week

Time under tension - 50sec/set

This design is set up for the intermediate person. Someone who placed outside of the top 400 in the open. Someone who is looking to focus on strength development, aerobic capacity and anaerobic capacity in a periodized template focused around the open.

When I think about this question I want people to understand what I'm doing so that when they go into the gym they can have a purpose and know why they're doing RDLs or GH raises. So many people blindly follow programs and don't have any understanding of why. I want people to get better but I also want people to get better mentally. I want people to have a physical adaptation but also a mental adaptation. I want people to understand how to do this for them selves. So that one day they can design a template for themselves.

So the way this design works is that there's an off season from about April - October. Then we will go into a in season peak for the open. The ultimate goal will be to feel like superman or woman in March. So how does that work?

Basic energy system training will be based on the image above. We will build a large aerobic base in the off season and peak for the open. The way that works is the bigger the base the bigger the peak. So, we will to start with a lot of aerobic training. That will look like a lot of long slow distance work with mix model components. It needs to be mixed model b/c we're training for Crossfit but there will be some single modality work also. All of the aerobic work will be at or around 70%-85%. All sub maximal training. As we get into the October time frame the training will start to look more sport specific meaning more Crossfit style work (more random) and then into peaking for the open. This work will be good for people who have a hard time pacing and also people who have a hard time breathing hard during workouts like 17.5.

For the strength training aspect of the design it will go through a few phases. 1st phase will be stabilization. This will focus on getting good movement. So slow tempo work to develop good movement and strengthen the tendons and ligament within the muscle. This will help also to get people into health and out of injury. From there we will go into 2nd phase, which will be a more strict movement progression work. Building off of the 1st phase. 3rd phase will be dynamic movement. This will come out as we get closer to the open.

The goal is to increase functional strength, aerobic capacity and anaerobic capacity for the open.

There will be a lot of tempo work in the first phase. Here is a brief description of how to read tempo.

Back Squat @ tempo 30X1

X - Is always the movement away from the earth.
1 - is the top of the movement
3 - is the eccentric movement or always the movement going to the earth
0 - is the hold away from the body

So for the back squat it will read:

3sec down, 0 sec at the bottom, explode up and 1 sec at the top.

060217 - Friday

A. Front Squat tempo 30X1 4x5-8  rest 2min B1. DB Bench Press tempo 30X1 3x6-8 rest 1min B2. Ring Puch Up tempo 30X1 3x6-8 rest 2min 5 ...